For 3 generations Fisher families have relied on honey bees as their principle income. By late 1940's Merle P Fisher (MP) was moving his bees to apple orchards for pollination service. This first local dealing was to set him on a path some what different than 95% of the rest of the bee keeping world at that time. By the 50's the pollination rental income had become an important part of his income and the need to get earlier stronger bees to do spring pollination became paramount. So MP started migrating his bees to Florida.
As we, the third generation continue on the path MP set;
W Fisher Bee Farm has made pollination its principle income for over 25 years. We have developed our whole operation around providing quality bee hives and dependable service. We are able to move efficiently and quickly into an area to provide a timely service that is unbeatable. Having the right equipment, personnel and infrastructure are invaluable to achieving this goal.
What ever crop needs pollinated we can achieve it!
We have provided service to growers in 15 states over the years.
If you are in need of honey bees for pollination service. Do Not Hesitate! Call 800-736-6205

The Spark Plug of Agriculture ™
Areas/Crops We Service
Massachusetts Cranberries